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Monday, March 23, 2020

Xlyrics: COVID-19 Universal Prayer of Mercy

Prayer For The Universe On The Pandemic COVID-19

"To The Only One, The Almighty Creator, The Only One True God of the entire universe, the commander of all things past, present and things to come, the holder of life and death. I salute your Supremacy even as I pray- Help us to grow in wisdom, knowledge and strength at this panic era of virology on acute pandemic, cease to let loose of  Your Justified Wrath out of our own wickedness, don't let us perish in our Ignorance, guide us always to the light, guard us from our wicked acts of darkness, forgive us our trespasses, let Your Mercy find us right, protect us from the things we can't bear and handle, bring us to the holy place where peace reigns, make our Jerusalem whole, grant to us Divine Diplomatic Immunity, hearken to our cries and wipe away our tears, paint our face with smiles bright as the sun, help us to number our days even as Your Glorious Coming draw nigh, remember your promises never to flood us again, may we find favour before You, so that You let our earnest prayers come live through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen"

Soul Brotherly,

Nekabari Benson Nwika

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Creator Crazy Creature

Creator Crazy Creature

If Your words are True
Your Promises are True
So I suffer long Force
'Cause my word is False
Lo, Creator Of Course
No question on Curse
For'ere True False Curse 
I'm Best Served.
All Rights Reserved
©Nekabari Benson Nwika (2019)

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Solitude Xquote


(An Italian Sonnet by Nekabari Benson Nwika)

The poem 'Solitude' addresses the power of being alone. Many opposes this situation to being lonely. 'The polar bear's attitude' is a conscious reflective moments of great feelings, thoughts, ideas and belief. The exact time when the mind can communicate the heart, and our spirit, soul and body is in deep reasoning with creation. The heart can now ignore the beats and read the lyrics line by line. The great thinking hat- the peak of great resolutions and achievements. "I'm not lonely, I'm just alone", hence 'Solitude'.

The secret home of lone altitude

The alpha omega to the first glory of creation

The to and fro of the latter glory in perfection

To where the mountains and valleys, caves and iced-waters; gone on the latitude?

That our hidden seals and fishes and treasures now stream up the longitude

Hitherto, I hub the hobby to less depression and sober reflection

Insights to acute creativity, self reliance and acclimatization

The ultimate quest, hide and seek and find; the polar bear's attitude

Oh! What a sweet sweet moment, when my mind can speak to my heart

Cook's nitch sweet savour pitch, whisper stories taking life's odd pill untold

Though; thoughts, emotions, Illusions, dreams and visions unfold

Howbeit; solely on a lone desert, playing back strings of soul music in my own tone

With one wrap of me standing under a thinking hat

I'm not lonely... I'm just alone.


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  ~Dedicated to all Creative Thinkers~        

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Financial Intelligence Xquote

1. WHAT DO YOU WORK?.....Is a question of Job Title.

2. WHERE DO YOU WORK?....Is a question of Job Place or Location.

3. HOW DO YOU WORK?...Is a question of Job or Work Management (it entails risk management, product packaging, advertisement, strategies, savings, budgeting, investment, etc.).

The third question determines whether or not, the success of the entire business. Hence the Financial Intelligence Xquote.

Financial Intelligence Xquote

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MATTHEW 5:16 PSALMS 91:1 JOHN 3:16 ©N. B Nwika (2021) XseriesPoetry@Nekabenz_madeofmore